API Products Monogram Certification

API Monogram is an API registered certification mark and a self-registering program designed to an organization involved in manufacturing the equipment’s and products used in the oil and gas industry which shall be controlled by API monogram licenses.

API is committed to maintaining the highest level of confidence in its certification and/or licensing activities by providing impartial and objective assessments of its client’s management systems. API has established specific requirements for control and use of the mark. Licensees are required to document, implement and maintain Monogram Mark controls based on the requirements. The rights and authorities to use the mark are facility and location specific and can only be applied to new products in conjunction with the facility’s license number and the date of manufacture.

Use of the Monogram and license number on conforming product provides traceability back to the original manufacturer of the product and the original design and manufacturing specifications.

Global demands and an increasingly competitive business environment in the oil and natural gas industry have created new measures by which organizations must demonstrate their abilities. API Monogram is applicable for the manufacturers of production equipment, drilling equipment and now, even refinery equipment, the API Monogram Program lets companies demonstrate the product are meeting the global quality requirements and usability in global oil & industry market.

API Monogram licensing are generally certified when organization implement and maintains requirements of API Spec. Q1 or equivalent QMS and proves the capability of the organization to meet the production and testing requirements of Monogram.

As qualified and well experienced technical team, Framework goal is to provide the best available solution to make the system and competence of an organization to achieve API monogram and certification by our consultancy and training expertise.

API Product Specification

Framework areas of expertise in API Monogram include, but not limited to :

  • API Spec. 6D / 6DSS
  • API STD 600 / 603
  • API STD 623
  • API STD 594
  • API STD 602
  • API STD 609
  • API Spec. 20A / 20B / 20C / 20E / 20L

Benefits of API Product Monogram Licensing:

  • API Monogram on your products
  • Increases brand recognition
  • Increases credibility in the market
  • Reduces & eliminates the user’s on-site supplier audits
  • Increase sales
  • Technical Advantage against competitors

Importance of API Product Monogram :

To American Petroleum Institute (API) :

  • The Monogram Mark is a protected trademark
  • Legally enforceable program requirements through contract agreements with the Licensees
  • The mark can only be applied to new, conforming product, manufactured by the Licensed organization at the Licensed facility
  • Industry initiative that supports its commitment to improve safety and reliability of oil and gas industry equipment and operation

To Manufacturers :

  • A way to be recognized by API and industry for product quality
  • Recognition of their capability to manufacture products that meet API specifications
  • A means to physically mark and identify conforming product(s)

To Equipment Purchasers and End-Users :

  • Verification that the products meet the requirements of the API specifications and standards
  • Manufacturers have implemented processes and controls to identify and address customer requirements, customer complaints and product issues
  • A method to trace products back to the original manufacturer, design and performance requirements
  • A means to report industry product and process issues and non conformities
  • Visible identification in the field that a product was manufactured to conform to an API product specification or standard.

API Monogram Certification Process : 

  • Organizations applying for licensing under the API Monogram Program must develop and maintain a quality manual that describes their quality management system and how it conforms to the requirements of API Spec Q1 or equivalent QMS.
  • Organizations participating in the API Monogram Program must also demonstrate continued ability to meet the technical requirements identified in the applicable API product specification(s).
  • Before submitting an application to API, organizations must have had a quality management system in place for at least four months. This includes performing and documenting an internal audit and management review by the applicable standard.
  • Submit the completed application forms, application fee, and the quality manual (if applicable), and the API Spec Q1, 10th Edition Conformity Matrix and the API Spec Q2 Conformity Matrix. The quality manual must be written in English.
  • API will review the application forms and the quality manual (if applicable). Should application forms be incomplete, and/or should the quality manual be out of conformance with requirements, API will provide comments?
  • For those applying for an API Monogram License, once the application package, the quality manual and the API Spec Q1, Q2 Conformity Matrix are accepted, API will schedule an on-site audit. Audits include verifying the organization’s conformance.
  • Those applying for certification to ISO 9001, API Spec Q1, API Spec Q2, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 may undergo a Stage 1 audit, Stage 1 audits are normally performed on-site and require organizations to provide the auditor with documents for review.
  • Stage 2 audits are performed on-site and include verifying the organization’s conformance with API Spec Q1, API Spec Q2, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
  • API will make the certification decision on the basis of an evaluation of the audit findings and conclusions, and evidence of effective implementation of corrective actions by the organization (if required).

Application Submission :

  • The applicant organization needs to satisfy the application requirements listed in Monogram Program Requirements, if any deficiencies is identified in the submitted application the issue to be resolved within one year of submission, failure to the same will withdraw the application.
  • Initial audit not performed within one year from the date of API audit application shall lead to withdrawn of application.
  • The initial audit shall only be set up when the application is accepted by API by the appointed API auditor.