Top Entry Ball Valve as solutions for cryogenic applications

In the LNG industry today, the significance of top entry valves is continually growing, driven by rising awareness of the need for these type of valves as well as design code demands, especially in cryogenic and marine applications.

Both offshore and cryogenic pipelines are greatly affected by mechanical stresses, coming either from a ship motion and vessel deflection, or from high contraction and expansion levels, caused by temperature fluctuations during the process.

Taking all these factors into account, it’s clear that the pipelines need to be exceptionally rigid, with minimal leakage points such as flanges or threaded connections.  However, enhanced rigidity and pipe integrity may be achieved only if the system components are constructed in one piece and are firmly integrated with the piping by welding or similar method to form a “one-piece” structure.

The Top Entry valve is the ultimate solution for these challenges due to its one-piece body construction – providing high integrity with the pipeline on one hand and inline serviceability on the other.

However, valve construction of this kind presents major engineering challenges, since all its inner parts have to be placed and assembled via a single and relatively narrow top opening.

However, valve construction of this kind presents major engineering challenges, since all its inner parts have to be placed and assembled via a single and relatively narrow top opening.

Framework’s top entry valve design addresses and solves all these issues.

Valve is designed with relatively simple construction with minimal parts and no closed cavities.

The entire valve is fully fire-safe as required by many CNG, LNG, marine and other applications.

Unmatched in-line serviceability

The valve’s  innovative design offers easy in-line serviceability with minimal effort and simple tooling needed to carry out dismantling, replacement and reassembly of the valve parts.


Above is just a brief about the top entry ball valve valve design from Framework.

Framework support manufactures in designing the product as per their specific requirement and supports till the validation of the product.

For more information on design requirements, please contact Framework team.

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